12 Airport Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know | Brooklyn and Bailey

What are some life hacks that can make your stay at the airport, especially during travel layovers, so much easier? Here are 12 Airport Hacks that every girl should know before getting on an airplane!

We filmed this video last summer, over about three trips we made, so we had enough time to get all these shots for you! Everybody is always looking for the best travel tips, easy ways to simplify stressful times in our lives.

I am not sure anyone truly believes that airports can be fun, so you have to find or create your own tips and tricks!

How do you help stop your ears from plugging up during takeoff and landing? We have a tip for that! How do you manage multiple suitcases at once? We have tip for that! Which line at the security gate do you take? We have a tip for that, and many more!

These tips can be for anyone from all ages... from moms, to fathers, brothers, sisters, teens, little kids, and grandparents!

Sources: Brooklyn and Bailey
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